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Version: 4.7.1

Fastlane action: zealot_debug_file

Upload iOS dSYM or Android Proguard file(s) to Zealot

  # Upload iOS dSYM file
endpoint: '',
token: '...',
channel_key: '...',
platform: :ios,
xcode_scheme: 'AppName',
verify_ssl: false

# Upload Android Proguard files
endpoint: '',
token: '...',
channel_key: '...',
platform: :android,
android_build_type: 'release',
android_flavor: 'store',
release_version: '1.1.0',
build_version: '1',
overwrite: true

# Upload given zip file
endpoint: '',
token: '...',
channel_key: '...',
zip_file: 'path/to/your/zip_file',
release_version: '1.1.0',
build_version: '1',
verify_ssl: false


| zealot_debug_file Options |
| Key | Description | Env Var | Default |
| endpoint | The endpoint of zealot | ZEALOT_ENDPOINT | |
| token | The token of user | ZEALOT_TOKEN | |
| channel_key | Any channel key of app | ZEALOT_CHANNEL_KEY | |
| zip_file | Using given the path of zip file | DF_DSYM_ZIP_FILE | |
| | to direct upload | | |
| platform | The name of platfrom, avaiable | ZEALOT_PLATFORM | |
| | value are | | |
| | ios,mac,macos,osx,android | | |
| path | The path of debug file | ZEALOT_PATH | |
| | (iOS/macOS is archive path for | | |
| | Xcode, Android is path for app | | |
| | project) | | |
| xcode_scheme | The scheme name of app | ZEALOT_XCODE_SCHEME | |
| android_build_type | The build type of app | ZEALOT_ANDROID_BUILD_TYPE | release |
| android_flavor | The product flavor of app | ZEALOT_ANDROID_FLAVOR | |
| extra_files | A set file names | ZEALOT_EXTRA_FILES | [] |
| output_path | The output path of compressed | DF_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH | . |
| | dSYM file | | |
| release_version | The release version of app | ZEALOT_RELEASE_VERSION | |
| | (Android needs) | | |
| build_version | The build version of app | ZEALOT_BUILD_VERSION | |
| | (Android needs) | | |
| overwrite | Overwrite output compressed file | DF_DSYM_OVERWRITE | false |
| | if it existed | | |
| timeout | Request timeout in seconds | ZEALOT_TIMEOUT | |
| verify_ssl | Should verify SSL of zealot | ZEALOT_VERIFY_SSL | true |
| | service | | |
| fail_on_error | Should an error uploading app | ZEALOT_FAIL_ON_ERROR | false |
| | cause a failure? (true/false) | | |
* = default value is dependent on the user's system

| zealot_debug_file Output Variables |
| Key | Description |
| ZEAALOT_ERROR_MESSAGE | The error message during upload process |