
Fastlane action: zealot_sync_devices


🔔 Zealot 4.5.0 版本已经支持使用 Apple API Key


同步并关联苹果开发者中心(Apple Developer Portal)的测试设备名称到 Zealot 服务。

# 使用 Apple API Key 授权
endpoint: 'https://zealot.example.com',
token: '...',
api_key_path: '/path/to/your/api_key_json_file',
team_id: '...'

# 使用密码授权(需要二步认证)
endpoint: 'https://zealot.example.com',
token: '...',
username: 'user@example.com',
team_id: '...'


| zealot_sync_devices Options |
| Key | Description | Env Var(s) | Default |
| endpoint | The endpoint of zealot | ZEALOT_ENDPOINT | |
| token | The token of user | ZEALOT_TOKEN | |
| username | The apple id (username) of Apple Developer Portal | ZEALOT_USERNAME | * |
| api_key_path | Path to your App Store Connect API Key JSON file | ZEALOT_API_PATH | |
| | (https://docs.fastlane.tools/app-store-connect-api/#using-fastlane-api-key | | |
| | -json-file) | | |
| api_key | Your App Store Connect API Key information | ZEALOT_API_KEY | * |
| | (https://docs.fastlane.tools/app-store-connect-api/#using-fastlane-api-key | | |
| | -hash-option) | | |
| team_id | The ID of your Developer Portal team if you're in multiple teams | ZEALOT_APPLE_TEAM_ID | * |
| team_name | The name of your Developer Portal team if you're in multiple teams | ZEALOT_APPLE_TEAM_NAME | * |
| platform | The platform to use (optional) | ZEALOT_APPLE_PLATFORM | ios |
| verify_ssl | Should verify SSL of zealot service | ZEALOT_VERIFY_SSL | true |
| timeout | Request timeout in seconds | ZEALOT_TIMEOUT | |
| fail_on_error | Should an error http request cause a failure? (true/false) | ZEALOT_FAIL_ON_ERROR | false |